
Digitalführerschein (DiFü)

Digitalführerschein DsiN Deutschland sicher im Netz course level Online-Kurs Gefahrenschutz sicher Teilnahmezertifikat Beruf The “Digitalführerschein” is an online course that covers various topics around digital media for beginners to advanced learners. Users can select their knowledge level (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and learn about digital devices, the internet, online communication, Read more…



Institut für Digitale Ethik der Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart: Privat-o-Mat. Stuttgart. The ‘Privat-o-Mat’ / Privacymeter is an online quiz that helps internet users to reflect and understand their own behaviour online and their habits regarding data protection. The website asks users 15 questions on different aspects of their daily digital Read more…

Your Data Mirror

Your Data Mirror

Interactive Media Foundation (2021): Your Data Mirror, Berlin. The website “Your Data Mirror” aims to sensitize young adults to the topic of data collection and draws attention to the connection between personal data and possible effects on democracy and society. An interactive and personalized web application based on users’ Instagram Read more…