Breaking the black box

Breaking the Black Box

ProPublica (2016): Breaking The Black Box, New York. In the age of increasing automation, in which machines are making more and more decisions for us, the information service “Breaking the Black Box” aims to shed more light on the thicket of automated decision-making systems. In a small series of articles, Read more…


Your data matters

Information Commissioner’s Office (2018): Your data matters, London. Your data matters is an information service provided by the UK Information Commissioners Office and supports individuals in knowing and exercising their rights in relation to their data and its reuse. The ICO is an independent UK authority for safeguarding information rights Read more…

How normal am I?

How normal am I?

The website “How normal am I?” is an interactive online experience that aims to raise awareness about facial recognition and artificial intelligence systems. It accesses the user’s camera and applies a facial recognition algorithm that judges the user’s face, accompanied by an explanatory commentary by the author. By seeing how Read more…

Automating NYC

Automating NYC

Automating NYC is an interactive website created by Harvard graduates to address the lack of public education about automated decision making systems, while also educating New York City residents about the kinds of systems being deployed in their city. The website includes stories, infographics and interactive elements that explain how Read more…