Database - Entry
In the age of increasing automation, in which machines are making more and more decisions for us, the information service "Breaking the Black Box" aims to shed more light on the thicket of automated decision-making systems. In a small series of articles, ProPublica journalists address topics that have a massive impact on our everyday lives: 1. What Facebook Knows About You. 2. when algorithms decide what you pay. 3. when Machines Learn by Experimenting on Us. 4. how machines learn to be racist. ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that conducts investigative journalism.
Das Informationsangebot "Breaking the Black Box" möchte im Zeitalter der zunehmenden Automatisierung, in der Maschinen immer mehr Entscheidungen für uns treffen, mehr Licht ins Dickicht der automatischen Entscheidungssysteme bringen. In einer kleinen Artikel-Serie behandeln Journalistinnen und Journalisten von ProPublica Themen, die unser aller Alltag massiv beinflussen: 1. What Facebook Knows About You. 2. When Algorithms Decide What You Pay. 3. When Machines Learn by Experimenting on Us. 4. How Machines Learn to Be Racist. ProPublica ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Nachrichtenredaktion, die investigativen Journalismus betreibt.