Reaktor & University of Helsinki (2018): The Elements of AI.
Short Description
"The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by Reaktor and the University of Helsinki. We want to encourage as broad a group of people as possible to learn what AI is, what can (and can’t) be done with AI, and how to start creating AI methods. The courses combine theory with practical exercises and can be completed at your own pace."
The Elements of AI ist eine Reihe von kostenlosen Online-Kursen, die von Reaktor und der Universität Helsinki entwickelt wurden. Die Kurse möchten eine möglichst breite Gruppe von Menschen dazu ermutigen, zu lernen, was KI ist, was man mit KI machen kann (und was nicht) und wie man mit der Entwicklung von KI-Methoden beginnt. Die Kurse kombinieren Theorie mit praktischen Übungen und können in Ihrem eigenen Tempo absolviert werden.
Who created the resource?
Researchers / Higher Education, Company
Non-free (proprietary, permissive, copyright)
English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Other
Educational, Data Science, Coding
Target Group Age
Young adults (17-20), Adult learning / University
Target Group: Prior knowledge required?
If any - What kind of prior knowledge is required?
Technical Requirements / Accessibility
"Introduction to AI: The course can be completed with a computer or a mobile device. We don’t recommend using the Internet Explorer browser - it works, but it sometimes struggles with displaying the course progress.
Building AI: The Beginner exercises can be completed with a mobile device, too, but in order to complete the programming exercises in the Intermediate and Advanced level, you’ll need a computer. All the programming exercises can be done in the browser: there’s no need to install anything on the computer.
The course does not work optimally on older iPad models, Internet Explorer or Safari browsers prior to version 12.x."
Comment / Feedback
Part II "Building AI" is available.
Publication Date / Last Updated
2018, 2020