Running with Data: from assumed rationalities to everyday data literacies

Published by Harald Gapski on

Emergent sports technologies, such as wearable trackers and other smart devices, have posed runners with a data-focused epistemic challenge: How to evaluate the new forms of technological information? In this presentation, the postdoctoral researcher Lauri Palsa (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) explores the use of sports technologies by recreational runners and their everyday data literacies. Instead of the rational “homo economicus” that pursues to maximise the benefits of technology, the data collected from over a thousand runners emphasises the diversity, everydayness and situationality of data literacies.

Online-Talk with Lauri Palsa: “Running with Data”  
26th, September 2024, 15:00 CEST 
Zoom Meeting
 Meeting ID: 827 6673 8856 – Passcode: 256060

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