CBDALN talk: Unblacking the Box of ChatGPT
In this one hour online workshop CBDALN member Karsten Lübke, Professor of Statistics and
Data Literacy Education Researcher at FOM University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund (Germany), will give a conceptual overview of ChatGPT. He will present the basic ideas of large language models in order to facilitate the critical discussion.
Feb 23, 2023 – 15:00-16:00 (CET)
Karsten Lübke
Unblacking the Box of ChatGPT
The input will be followed by ca. 20 minutes of discussion. The online event is open to the public, so you are very welcome to invite your colleagues!
To join the Zoom-Meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86847810430?pwd=eEp2R0o4eVVYUTNMQ001ZTJwNUhvdz09Meeting ID: 868 4781 0430
Passcode: 305777
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Image by DALL E2 (OpenAI): prompt: “Unblacking the Box of a large language model”