CBDALN Debate Series #7: Exteriority and Ubiquity …
The seventh and last talk in our CBDALN debate series of this year takes place on December, 8th at 15:00 (UTC+1). The series offers an opportunity to discuss specific data literacy topics and to get in touch with the network and its members. The input will be provided by Stephan Packard. He is professor for “Popular Culture and Its Theories” at the University of Cologne in Germany and a founding member of CBDALN. The title of his 10 minutes input is:
Exteriority and Ubiquity:
Stephan Packard
Two questions about power structures in education
The input will be followed by ca. 20 minutes of discussion. The online event is open to the public, so you are very welcome to invite your colleagues!
To join the Zoom-Meeting:
Meeting-ID: 844 0088 9350
Kenncode: 661203
If you would like to be kept updated about the topics of the next speakers in our debate series, you can register your interest via email: info@bigdataliteracy.net or follow us on twitter: @bigdataliteracy.
Image by DALL E2 (OpenAI): prompt: “Exteriority and Ubiquity in education”